Ojantag Committee

The Ojantag Committee (“Օժանդակ Մարմին”) is a Scouting Auxiliary Committee comprised of a group of dedicated members who volunteer their time to provide all necessary support to the Scouting Division on a regular and routine basis. The Ojantag Committee was created in 1998. Since the time of its creation the Ojantag Committee has supported the Scout Group Leaders, by performing all functions necessary for the smooth and safe operation of the Scouting Division (including but not limited to logistics, infrastructure, labor, and security) which allows scouting group leaders to emphasize their efforts on troop programming The tasks performed by the Ojantag Committee include but are not limited to: procuring foodstuffs and preparing meals for the entire Scouting Division during its annual and weekend camping trips; chaperoning the Scouting Division and providing security and/or emergency contact support during the annual and weekend camping trips; providing transportation and logistical support to Scouts in connection with local field trips; chaperoning Scouts and providing security and/or emergency contact support in connection with local field trips; securing meals for Scouts during with local field trips; assisting in the procurement of foodstuffs, preparation of meals, and the performance of labor during the annual Navasartian Games and Festival; organizing chapter wide events at the Armenian Center; and documenting and archiving events through videotaping and photography.
2021 – 2022 Ojantag Committee
Y Armond Karapetyan – Ojantag Committee Chairperson and Representative
Y Raffi Babayan
Y Simon Habeshian
Y Harout Kalajian
Y Tony Kourkourounian
Y Gary Krikorian
Y Jon Markarian
Y Ari Movsesian
Y Ari Boyajian
Y Vartkez Panosian
Y Razmig Liberian
Y Harout Jarchafjian
Y Hrayr Boyajian
Y Vicken Berberian
Y Garo Ordakian
Y Mesrob Kalbakian
Y Simon Sarkissian
Ojantag Representative on Executive Committee
Y Michael Akopyan