Parents Committee

Our Parents Committee was first established in 1990 and has been active thereafter. It has served the chapter well in organizing social events such as banquets, breakfast and lunch gatherings, and other fundraising activities to help secure resources and promote awareness of Homenetmen in the community. The committee consists of dedicated parents of our scouts and athletes.
2021 – 2022 Parents Committee
K Ani Akopyan – Parents Committee Chairperson and Representative
K Tenny Avanesian
K Liza Sert
K Taleen Ansoorian
K Azad Zeitlian
K Arda Maksoudian
K Lucy Hovagimian
K Tina Markarian
K Anahid Sarkisian
K Nairy Bostanian
K Melina Boyajian
K Erna Karapetyan
K Maria Yakoubian
K Ani Movsesian
K Nora Bogharian
Parents Representative on Executive Committee
K Vicki Ansoorian